Thursday 20 February 2014

Visiting Suva

Well -- over the past 8 or 10 days we have worked our way through the boat trying out all the various systems. We had a slow period in the middle where we were needing some help with the various pumps on the boat. Our freshwater pump, for example decided that last week was the end of its run -- but to be fair it may have had something to do with our vigorous cleaning of the water tanks. Anyway the 'Yacht Shop' which is about 20 steps away had a usuriously priced replacement pump and, well, we had no choice. We have had similar problems with the shower drain and with the head (toilet). Our fellow cruisers helped us out on the last one letting us know that a 1/2 cup of vegetable oil works wonders in the head -- who knew?

Fiji's Trans Canada Highway...
More recently we rented a car for a couple of days and drove around Viti Leuvu. We drove the King's Road around the north part of the island toward Suva (Capital). We very much enjoyed that trip and were amazing at how beautiful and rural that part of hte island is. There is not too much traffic so as you drive through each village folks hear the car before you arrive and are waiting at the side of the road with bananas, and various other tropical delights for purchase. Regrettably one person can only eat so many bananas.
Lunch at the Novotel in Lami Bay -- we'll be back

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