Tuesday, 29 April 2014

The Glamorous Sailor's Life

Cleaning up under the spot where our forward
fuel tank used to be. The aluminium tank had developed
pinhole leaks and will need to be replaced... fun.
Twelve hours after our friends Gord and Jane departed, and 12 hours before Patrick and Bev arrive we are hard at work cleaning up underneath the spot where one of our fuel tanks used to be!

We have been having problems over the past week or two with this tank getting water into the Racor fuel filter and as we were having the engine serviced today we thought "while we are at it..." It will be great to have this fixed so that we can be confident that the fuel will be clean and without contaminants going forward.

This photo is after we got it about 1/2 clean. Doug scraped out the worst of it and then Maureen climbed in and finished it off. Actually it is clean enough now that we are thinking we will have our dinner down there.

Tomorrow brings our Patty and his girlfriend Bev for a visit. We are very excited to have them join us and we are looking forward to showing them the spots we have discovered over the past few months. Today was a very rainy day here so we are hoping that the sun pokes out tomorrow! Chris on the other hand is exactly 12 time zones away right now teaching in Ghana. We hope that he is doing well and we will raise a glass of Fiji Bitter in his honour and wish him the very best in his adventure.

1 comment:

  1. If there's anything good that come out of this, it's that you detected the problem before it could escalate. Plus, you got to clean up the area too. Having a well-functioning fuel tank lets you sit back and enjoy the cruise. You still have to replace it eventually, so I hope you find a good replacement for that!

    Abraham Yates @ Apache Oil Company
