Saturday, 4 May 2019

A New Adventure

It may be hard to say goodbye to French Polynesia... We will try to remember everything, but you know -- time... 
Well, we are just moored inside the reef between Raiatea and Taha'a waiting to receive our clearance to leave French Polynesia. If you are interested in following our trip north to Hawai'i you can see our progress at:

Don't rush over there just yet because we won't have our exit clearance until after the weekend. And if the Gendarme is to be believed, perhaps not Monday either. No matter, we have a pretty nice holding area with excellent swimming and a nice cooling breeze.

About that breeze... I have just returned from BC where I made a quick trip to look after a variety of work items. Wait, you say, you don't work! Well my gig as a part time janitor does keep me pretty busy from time to time and it was great to be home to re-connect with tenants and contractors.

While I was away, Maureen was looking after the boat in Raiatea and as luck would have it she had the windiest week of weather we have had throughout the entire season. As the kids say "Mom's got skills" and I am proud to say that Maureen handled the whole situation with grace and skill. I am proud of her. Well done!

In addition to the wind, Maureen has been prepping the boat for our next wee adventure which is to sail from here to Hawai'i and from there back to BC. We are hoping to be home in time to celebrate her 60th birthday in BC. (wait, can I say 60th birthday on social media)?

Jimmy Philip and Terri-Lynne have joined us now and we are all set to depart northward. As I write this, folks are napping today and waiting quietly to see how this next leg will unfold. Fingers Crossed.

We have had a grand time here in FP. Warm and friendly, thanks to all of those locals and visitors who have made this time special!

The best fruit stand ever!

And of course Noah of Vanilla Tours -- If you ever need your Vanilla beans massaged.